The banking concept of education, a subtle violence.

This is an abstract of an academic paper. 
All rights are reserved, please, be ethical.
I am sharing this piece in my blog because I felt like doing it.
The banking concept of education, a subtle violence.
Freire talked and worked with educators; in our time, schools have became a business
like models of pursing capitalist interest, therefore the mentality of oppression has infiltrated
schools grounds, walls, administrators, curriculums that obey standardization. Consciousness
never had significant impact on educational practice. Freire (1973) argues educators ought to be
aware of their participation in the learning; participatory education is when students, parents and
teachers are involved. For instance in Mexico, a very strict instrument of evaluation has been
designed to control teachers. There is tremendous amount of violence in this complex format,
people immerse into the flow of “teacher efficiency” or “learner quality” are now aware how
oppressed or oppressors they have become. With violence we have gone from physical war to
subtle war in the way we think, the way we treat others, the way we enter into oppressive
systems without realizing which role we participate in. To end this internal war that society has
been immersed, we need to enter to dialogue from point zero, empty our selves from pre
conceive ideas inherited in the banking educational model. Perhaps, create from within a
different perception of the word and the world, Giroux (2013) said “if you want to change the
world, change the metaphors, before we attempt to change our lines, we need to feel the real
connotation of words and begin to create metaphors. In Spanish we have the Real Academia de
la Lengua, (Royal Academic of Language) that give us a very specific definition of words, in
order to be successful we must follow guidelines, any time I want to write a fiction piece I felt
trapped in my own vocabulary. Living in the border of Mexico and the US, I have created my
own literary format to communicate my creativity, I have changed the old painful metaphor that
our Mexican school system had in the past “ la letra con sangre entra” for “la letra con amor
entra” physical punishment was in placed when I attended elementary school. “Spare the rod is
to spoil the child” its is the equivalent in English which is the exercise control with sanctions
and physical and psychological punishment, a sick metaphor. Metaphor is a figurative speech
that requires words and feelings that can easily be created from masters for oppress to swallow it.
We live in constant metaphor of horror that soon become reality and in order to change it,
oppressed people need to wake up, know their voices, and proclaim ownership of words. We do
not want to make permanent the culture of violence and live a state of fear that force us to keep
secrets hidden in the oppressor rhetoric’s. During Fall 2015 while taking Pablo Freire and Social
Justice class, my impression of the teacher changed drastically, an inner reflection and
sometimes wordy- war began, and I refused to follow guidelines proposed by teacher. I taught
that if we were talking about participatory education, social justice, hope, freedom, we needed to
bring all preceding terms alive. Unfortunately as an oppressed person, we have storage
resentment, which can be easily transformed in dangerous anger; by being vigilante of our own
perceptions, and word meaning, we can hunt, imprison or propose dialogue with the oppressor
and violence implicit in institutions; we can prove that his or her bitter words are so far away
from love as an organic living system, Freire (2005 p. 77) cited Fromm, said that banking
education has a false understanding of humans as subjects and it can not promote biophily, it
produces necrophilia.
“While life is characterized by growth in a structured, functional manner, the
necrophilous person loves all that does not grow, all that is mechanical. The necrophilous
person is driven by the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic, to approach life
mechanically, as if all living persons were things. Memory, rather than experience;
having, rather than being, is what counts. The necrophilous person can relate to an
object—a flower or a person—only if he possesses it; hence a threat to his possession is a
threat to himself; if he loses possession he loses contact with the world. He loves control,
and in the act of controlling he kills rife”.
This is my dream related to murder what is a living imagery system: In a dream I saw a
well dressed white child wearing a brown hat, he was among children trying to organize an
event, I told him that I will prove that he does not exist, suddenly he become a toy of his height,
it took couple of seconds for him to be an eatable candy, I ate it, he was gone. I clearly saw a
very violent character that cans easily objective humans. Later my professor delivered a speech
about the importance of organizing to accomplish our liberator causes, he told us, when he was a
child, he organized a soccer team in his community. When the teacher was sharing his memory,
at that moment I knew that the child of my dream was my teacher; when do we kill or transform
our inner child into toy or candy? At what moment we, teachers are in danger to be a zombie?
What kind of silent war we are trap into? We live in a zombie era, where cyber consensuses
slowly is gaining space in our interactions, sadly, teachers are functioning as the “cultural
workers or intellectuals” that are cords to transfer oppressor venom, Giroux (2011 p. 4) said
“ The roaming hordes of celebrity zombie intellectuals work hard to fuel a sense of
misguided fear and indignation toward democratic politics, the social state and
immigrants, all of which spewed out in bitter words and comes terribly close to inciting
violence. Zombies love death-dealing institutions, which accounts for why they rarely
criticize, they bloated military budget and the rise of the punishing state and is expanding
prison system”. The anti democratic systems work better when minds are cloned. In a
factory like classrooms, students do their work to memorize what is in textbook, to be
ready to pass a standardize test.
It will take a collective effort for us to be liberated, observe how we communicate to our
inner voices and with others to find if we have the same dream of freedom and betterment. In the
process of decoding the role of victim, oppressed tend to become reactionary, he or she is
reacting and we need to remember, violence is initiated by oppressors; we oppressed need to
move from the neurosis phase that war, blood and violence has planted us, it will happen when
we move away from duality, when we vomit rigid, smelly and old systems of the Lords. Become
reflective and act upon our own conclusions to necked oppressors and allow are true being to
accomplish his or her vocation, which is to be fully humans.
Freire exposed our educational system as one in which: the teacher is the depositor, the
students are the depositories, the teacher issues communication which students passively receive,
memorize, and repeat, knowledge becomes a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves
knowledgeable upon those they consider to know nothing, teachers and administrators choose
the instructional program content and students adapt to it. The more students work at storing the
deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result
from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world. The more completely they
accept the passive role impressed on them, the more they tend simply to adapt to the world as it
is and to the fragmented view of reality deposited in them.
Banking model is been placed in most of the classrooms in both sides of the border;
teachers are instructed to teach from textbooks and workbooks to cover state test material. Their
own validity relies on standardize evaluations. I remember one case where student teacher
deliver instruction 100% of the time from textbook during Health class, students read passages
out loud with no innervation or explanation from teacher. Students were not engage in learning,
there were no connections to real life applications, students were in agony, Freire (2005) brought
Fromm’s ideas into Pedagogy the Oppressed; for the masters to be is to have, for them having
more is an inalienable right they acquire through their own effort. The master have pleasure of
complete domination over another person is the very essence of the sadistic drive and its aim is
to transform humans into a thing, is a love of death, not of life, it kills life. In the case mentioned
above, students’ anima is already out of the equation, teacher anima as well. There is no
interaction with individual’s perspectives of the topic, words are shadows that came from a pre
fabricated hole, there is not generative themes of a such as human subject which is Health, and in

a paradox the grapheme and phoneme of

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