
Showing posts from January 22, 2017

Going back to dreaming mood for my next novel!

Lamas were singing or they were teaching me how to; than, they were happy. I felt like reality was getting back to me. What are they happy for? We are happy because of happiness! They replied.

Los zapatos de tacón

Dicen por ahí que los zapatos de tacón los crearon para el rey Luis IX

Mientras escribía/ While I was writing

(...) Hope nestled deep in my consciousness, was a kind of white flag that fluttered to not be forgotten. When I went to see her (hope),  predatory characters had eaten ITS parts. However, I achieved the necessary elements to resurface it, gradually and through letters, I was able to reconnect with the world, established relationships with acquaintances of real life who seeped into my hands as fictional characters. They, my friends. They smiled knowing I was hurt, trying to relearn  writing. Suddenly I knew that I had forgotten to write and read. I erased the years of pain and my writing of Cosmic Women resembled the babble of the dying wo/men, who longs to remain in the role of collective memory. The years moved my hands, altered the books to shake the claims. Parallel realities were coming to life. I begged to get out of the mess, I was angry with literature. At least I felt something, anger. Come back to life by the door of restlessness. Arline, the second reality, wa...

¡No lo olvides! Aquí la serpiente transmutó a mujer, no al revés. Cuidado

Once mujeres herederas de una extraña fortuna que les transfiere poderes de toda índole, juegan un partido donde aparentemente no existen las posiciones, la competencia ni las reglas. Los artefactos típicos de un encuentro de fútbol son sustituidos por las largas conversaciones. Los hallazgos emanados de las supuestas contrincantes permiten que la cancha sea abandonada con la sensación de confusión, nadie pierde, nadie gana, los juicios han cambiado. Mientras corren pateando las esferas que forman las palabras descubren caminar, respirar, contemplar, experimentar, aceptar la derrota, soltar, aprender y amar. La red de la meta cede convirtiéndose en una puerta de perfectas dimensiones que las llevan a mundos paralelos previamente trazados por sus Dioses interiores. El gol regresa a sus atribulados corazones, corazones condicionados desde el inicio de su creación, corazones que estallan formando símbolos atípicos del amor. Poco a poco cada personaje encuentra planos movedizos en el pasto...