Interview with Pablo Freire
Dr Cesar Rossatto conducted an interview with Pablo Freire this was the last interview of Pablo Freire his life time. CR: Specifically, what would you like to see your supporters practicing or constructing? PF: Look, the one thing I always talk about, and that I hope to see in others as well, is that I am perpetually driven by my own dream. I am convinced that any progressive educator, any humanist in the broader sense of the word, can never repress or file away his or her Utopian dreams; otherwise, he or she has lost the battle. I believe my strongest calling is exactly the calling to fulfill my dream,to never allow the dream to die, to always therefore maintain hope. It is to wake up on a Tuesday with greater hope than on Monday. CR: Can you describe this dream you talk about? PF: My dream is the dream of having a society that is less ugly and less unjust; a society in which it would be easier to love, and therefore easier to live, easier to dream; a decent society, permanently str...